Clinic Services

Osteopathic Consultation

During an osteopathic consultation, it is normally necessary for the patient to remove some clothing and perform some simple movements. This, along with various other tests, allows the osteopath to make a diagnosis.

If you think you may require treatment but are unsure if osteopathy is the correct therapy for you, we are more than happy to briefly speak with you to discuss your problem free of charge. If, however, an assessment is required, this will be charged as an initial consultation.

After the assessment, your osteopath will explain the diagnosis and suggest treatment or other courses of action. If, after your consultation, you prefer to think about your options, you may postpone your treatment and book a follow-up visit at a later date.

You are more than welcome to have someone accompany you on your visits. Assessment and treatment sessions are approximately 30 minutes long and cost £49. There will be less time for treatment on your initial visit, as more time will be taken to take your history and assess your complaint. There may be no treatment on your first visit if your case is especially complicated and therefore requires more history-taking and assessment. 

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To learn more about how our osteopathic and complementary therapies can benefit you, or for any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. For appointments please call the clinic number (01253 788500)